Face Lift

Forget 40 being the new 30 – these days, 50 is the new 30!

Thankfully science has kept up with our youthful lifestyles and we no longer have to accept the visible signs of ageing as an inevitable part of getting older.

Face lift surgery, or rhytidectomy, is the ideal solution for women who want to look closer to the age that they feel. By tightening skin that has lost its natural elasticity, your face will be left fresh, awake, dramatically rejuvenated – and dramatically younger.

Is it for me?

Face lift surgery is ideal for any person who wants to look younger, by reducing the lines and sagging skin that are an unfortunate byproduct of getting older.

About surgery?

During a traditional face lift, Dr Praveen will generally make an incision along your hairline at the temple, following the natural line down past your ears and into your hairline. Thanks to the careful positioning of this incision, your scarring will be hidden within your hair and by the natural creases of your face. Your scar will fade quickly until it is barely visible over few months.

Once your incision has been made, Dr Praveen will very gently and carefully separate your skin from the underlying tissue, allowing him to tighten your facial muscles and remove any unwanted fat before your skin is pulled back and the excess removed.

When can I go home?

You will stay in hospital overnight after your surgery so that Dr praveen can keep an eye on you and ensure that you have adequate pain relief. You’ll be most uncomfortable during this time, up to 24 hours after surgery.

The following day, your dressings will be removed and replaced with a special bandage. You can then go home, taking a pain prescription with you. You should rest for the remainder of the day, minimising your movement.

About post surgery instructions?

You’ll see Dr Praveen five days to a week after your surgery, at which time around half of your sutures will be removed. You will then have another follow-up visit one week later, during which time Dr Praveen will remove the remainder of your sutures.

How long off from work/normal activities?

You should plan on taking at least 2 weeks off work.

A facelift is not considered a painful procedure – most patients instead report feeling uncomfortable due to the ‘tight’ feeling of their skin as it’s healing. However, it is important to allow your body the best chance possible of healing quickly and effectively. This means taking it easy for the two weeks after your surgery, with no heavy housework, exercise, long trips or other strenuous activities. You’ll be back normal at around the four to six week mark.

When can I see end result?

Just as you’ll be back to normal four to six weeks after your face lift surgery, this is when you can expect to see the full and final results of your fresh new face.

For more information on face lift,
